Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragment Guide (Vile Peaks 200AF)
[#144] Falcon’s Last Light
After recieving the mission from Torreno to find all six Blitz Squadron members, move west into the Vile Peaks 200AF. At the end of the first tunnel, you’ll find Falcon, who gets spooked and runs back towards Torreno and the east gate. Follow him and confront him in order to get some information about the Corporal and a crazy monster somewhere in the peaks. Grab Falcon’s Last Light and 500CP, then keep moving West towards the Corporal.
Topics Covered
-Where to find Blitz Squadron member Falcon
-How to get Falcon’s Last Light
-How to get the Blitz Squadron Mission Report fragment [find all six survivors]
-Finding all missions / fragments in the Vile Peaks 200AF area
Items Found
-Falcon’s Last Light
-500 Crystarium Points (CP)