Welcome to another Recap episode where we go over the day’s biggest headlines, making sure that you’re caught up in all things video games.
The Walking Dead: 400 Days gets a special episode of ‘Playing Dead’
The Playing Dead web-series is back with a special episode dedicated to the upcoming launch of The Walking Dead: 400 Days, the new DLC episode for Season One of Telltale Games’ episodic adventure.
Double Fine’s Massive Chalice ends with $1.2M on Kickstarter
Massive Chalice, the developer’s turn-based tactical-strategy game, was announced back in May with a goal of $725,000. It hit that mark in early June. The game is due out for PC, Mac, and Linux.
You call the shots in the new trailer for The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
2K Marin have released another new trailer showing off the “Battle Focus” feature in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, the upcoming third-person tactical shooter that blends real-time shooting with strategic planning. While the previous trailer merely introduced us to the Battle Focusfeature, today’s video showcases “how clever players can win engagements without ever firing a single shot.”
Spirit Guard Udyr releases his primal rage all over League of Legends
It’s been sometime since Udyr got some love in League of Legends. Due to junglers getting upset with how kiteable he is, Udyr has fallen off popular play. Besides a rework, the best way to get a character back into the limelight is to release a pretty freaking amazing skin for that character. Coming next patch, there will be the Spirit Guard Udyr skin.
Want to know the man behind the sexy voice? Hit me up via @Vexytube